Reckitt’s Zeeland facility manufactures infant formula. The facility was previously Mead Johnson until Reckitt acquired the company in 2017. In 2024, the Zeeland location had approximately 500 employees and a 472,000 square foot facility.
In July, Zeeland City Officials learned that Reckitt was considering a significant investment to add an additional infant formula line. At the time, Reckitt was considering investments at their locations in Zeeland, Evansville, IN, and/or Minnesota. Reckitt is working with Lakeshore Advantage, an economic development agency, to facilitate this potential development.
To expand in Zeeland, Reckitt needs more land and considered acquiring Rieth Riley Asphalt, acreage on E Riley St., and/or the bus garage and adjacent fields on E Main Avenue owned by Zeeland Public Schools (ZPS). City Officials also identified potential parcels of interest for Reckitt, including Bennett Wood Specialties, Kebco Inc., and Highpoint Finishing.
Lakeshore Advantage pursued a potential purchase of bus garage and adjacent fields on E Main Avenue. As of February 2025, we do not know if ZPS is still considering selling; however, an email from Lakeshore Advantage indicated that ZPS required suitable location alternatives, including 1-2 acres of green space within walking distance of Cityside Middle School and 8-10 acres to build a bus garage, before they would consider selling.
UPDATE March 2025: ZPS confirmed they will not be selling their property to Reckitt.
Reckitt/Mead Johnson is also acquiring and attempting to acquire properties to the west of their Zeeland facility, including residentially zoned properties. On December 30, 2024, Reckitt/Mead Johnson purchased the Meyer Residence located at 633 E Main Street (the red barn) for $1.5 million. They also purchased Bennett Wood Specialties, Inc. at 109 Carlton Street for $3.7 million.
Of even greater concern, Reckitt/Mead Johnson contacted all property owners on the north side of E Main Ave between Carlton Street and Fairview Avenue regarding their interest in selling. This includes Bethel Christian Reformed Church and the Cityside Townhouses.
We do not know Reckitt/Mead Johnson’s site plan for these properties, but the size of their contemplated expansion and westward acquisition of property in residentially zoned neighborhoods is deeply concerning.
As neighbors, we organized early to put the City of Zeeland, Reckitt/Mead Johnson, and Lakeshore Advantage on notice that neighbors are unified and will strongly oppose any attempts at rezoning or development of these properties for industrial purposes.
Information presented has been obtained from neighbors and public records disclosed in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
As of February 2025 per public records.
Neighborhood First | #rejectreckittexpansion
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