No rezoning of residential or public facilities district classes on E Main Ave between Fairview Rd and N Carlton St. Ensure neighborhoods remain residential to maintain the community's character and quality of life.
Oppose any new buildings, construction, or expanded operations by Reckitt within existing industrially zoned properties that would encroach closer to our residential neighborhood.
Oppose Zeeland Public Schools selling their bus garage and adjacent fields on E Main Avenue to Reckitt.
March 2025 Update: ZPS will not be selling their property to Reckitt.
Impose strict regulations on noise, air, light, and water pollution to safeguard residents' health and well-being. Implement comprehensive response and notification plans to swiftly address any environmental spills that might compromise public safety, ensuring the health and well-being of our community.
Ensure that any proposed expansion does not increase traffic flow and congestion to maintain safe streets for residents.
Protect homeowners' investments through decisions that preserve property values.
Open and ongoing communication between the City of Zeeland and neighborhood residents to address concerns and provide updates on development plans.
Investment in green spaces, beautification efforts, and public amenities for East Main Avenue to match the development seen on the West Main Avenue.
Neighborhood First | #rejectreckittexpansion
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